MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman 2024-07-30T21:40:02+08:00 Hendri Saleh [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Muslimpreneur</strong> merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Islam Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Nurul Hakim di bawah naungan LP2M IAI Nurul Hakim. Jurnal Muslimpreneur mempublikasikan hasil penelitian seputar ekonomi, bisnis dan perbankan Islam.</p> <p>Kami mengundang para akademisi serta menerbitkan untuk diterbitkan dalam jurnal kami yang akan segera diterbitkan</p> <p> </p> Investasi Syariah: Kontribusi Terhadap Ketahanan Sosial Dan Ekonomi Umat di Indonesia 2024-07-22T08:39:03+08:00 Fariz [email protected] Muhammad Yusuf Husain [email protected] Muh. Rizal Zakki Habibi [email protected] Rimba Brahmana Mukti [email protected] Muslichudin Achmad [email protected] Noval Halifaziya [email protected] Muhammad Daffa Althof [email protected] <p>Investasi syariah memainkan peran penting dalam mendukung ketahanan sosial dan ekonomi umat di Indonesia, terutama di era globalisasi dan digital saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kontribusi investasi syariah terhadap ketahanan ekonomi umat, memahami prinsip kerja investasi syariah, serta mengevaluasi potensi dan tantangan dalam implementasinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data sekunder dari berbagai literatur, media cetak, dan sumber online yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi syariah dapat meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi umat dengan mengurangi ketergantungan pada sumber-sumber yang tidak sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Selain itu, investasi syariah juga mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan serta mendorong pembagian kekayaan yang lebih adil. Namun, tantangan dalam implementasi investasi syariah meliputi kebutuhan akan regulasi yang mendukung, infrastruktur pasar yang memadai, dan edukasi masyarakat mengenai produk keuangan syariah. Dukungan pemerintah dan lembaga keuangan syariah sangat penting untuk mempercepat kemajuan investasi syariah di Indonesia. Investasi syariah yang berlandaskan etika bisnis yang adil dan berkelanjutan, tidak hanya fokus pada keuntungan finansial tetapi juga pada manfaat sosial yang lebih luas, seperti peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pengurangan kemiskinan.</p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman Aspek Hukum dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah di Indonesia 2024-07-30T17:20:06+08:00 Elmi Jannah [email protected] Herdifa Pratama [email protected] Muhajirin [email protected] <p> In recent years sharia economics has become the main focus for the Indonesian economy. In an effort to develop an economy based on sharia, the legal aspect has an important role as a foundation that ensures that justice continues in the system. In this case, sharia law has a basic role in preparing regulations that regulate economic transaction to comply with sharia principles. Clear and consistent regulations will give business people confidence to invest and carry out transactions in the sharia economic system. So that in the future it will increase economic growth and sability evenly.</p> <h2><strong>Abstrak</strong></h2> <p> Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ekonomi syariah telah menjadi fokus utama bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan ekonomi yang berbasis sesuai dengan syariah, aspek hukum memiliki peran penting sebagai landasan untuk memastikan agar keadilan tetap berlanjut dalam sistem tersebut. Dalam hal ini hukum syariah memiliki peran dasar dalam penyusunan peraturan yang mengatur transaksi ekonomi agar sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah. Adanya regulasi yang jelas dan konsisten akan memberikan keyakinan pada pelaku bisnis untuk melakukan investasi serta melakukan transaksi dalam sistem ekonomi syariah, sehingga kedepannya akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kestabilan ekonomi secara merata.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman VISI AL-QUR’AN TENTANG PRODUKSI 2024-07-22T08:35:39+08:00 Rusdan [email protected] Sahirul Alim [email protected] <p>A natural process that began on earth with the arrival of humanity is called production. Producing becomes essential to human culture, earthly survival, and even life itself. Production is understood as bringing utility to that use and/or as increasing its value. Producing, on the other hand, involves placing use if consuming means taking something's use-value. The Quran as referenced in QS. al-An'am (6): 38 does not overlook anything, even in the broad framework, including concerns with regard to production activity. Descriptive analytic qualitative research approach is the technique employed. While the method utilized is library research with an emphasis on economic interpretation of the Quran, which operationally goes through four steps, namely: First, finding verses that highlight production difficulties based on key terms. The second is elaborating on the meaning of scriptures pertaining to production using information from diverse commentaries. Third, combine interpretation analysis with economists' points of view. Fourth, do economic reality contextualization. Al-intaj, kasab, ishlah, 'imarah, and ihtiraf are Arabic names for production. These words are used by the Quran in numerous tenses, with the exception of the word al-intaj. The employment of these phrases is not always indicative of production activity, though. It is possible to infer a number of things from the three verses that correspond to the words kasab, ishlah, and 'imarah. Land and labor are listed as the primary producers in the Quran. Second, the social roles that work and land play cannot be separated. Third, there must be no pollution or harm to the cosmos as a result of production activity. Fourth, it is decided that one of the most significant soft skills supporting components of work output is faith and piety.</p> 2024-07-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman ANALISIS MANAJEMEN RISIKO DALAM USAHA BUDIDAYA LOBSTER DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN MASYARAKAT PEMONGKONG PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2024-07-22T09:10:16+08:00 Muhammad Sapwan [email protected] Muh. Rabbul Jalil [email protected] <p><em>The natural wealth owned by the Pemongkong Village area, especially from the sea, should be able to boost the economy of the local community, namely by optimizing existing natural potential, such as in the lobster cultivation business. The method used in this research is qualitative with the research subjects focusing on 15 entrepreneurs who cultivate lobsters. The results of the research show that risk management in terms of capital for the people of Ujung Betok Hamlet is by borrowing from banks, cooperatives, and there are also those who owe money to collectors. To overcome these obstacles from the weather by not going to the cages when the wind is strong, as for problems from pests/diseases, the community prevents them by cleaning up leftover food that settles in nets, damaged nets, and feed. If viewed from an Islamic perspective, entrepreneurs are in accordance with the principles of Islamic economics which include halal types of business, implementing honesty, having the right to vote (khiyar) in choosing lobsters, setting prices transparently. The average income of the people of Ujung Betok Hamlet reaches more than IDR 100 million, and this income can improve the welfare of lobster farmers. </em></p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman STRATEGI PEMASARAN PRODUK PEMBIAYAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN JUMLAH NASABAH PADA BMT AL HIDAYAH UMMAT SEJAHTERA 2024-07-30T17:19:26+08:00 marjan [email protected] L. Muhamad Iswandi [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to determine the Marketing Strategy for Financing Products in Increasing the Number of Customers at BMT Al Hidayah Ummat Sejahtera Kotaraja. This research uses field research with a qualitative approach, namely direct observation of the object under study in order to obtain relevant data. Based on the results of the research that the author obtained regarding Marketing Strategy for Financing Products in Increasing the Number of Customers at BMT Al Hidayah Ummat Sejahtera Kotaraja, namely by implementing product strategy, price strategy, place/distribution strategy (place), promotion strategy and HR strategy in marketing activities. The obstacles faced in the Marketing Strategy for Financing Products in Increasing the Number of Customers at BMT Al Hidayah Ummat Sejahtera Kotaraja include: External obstacles; 1) Very tight competition with other financial institutions, 2) Lack of public knowledge or understanding about BMT, 3) There are many other financial institutions standing. Constraints from within; 1) Administration sector, 2) HR sector.</em></p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MUSLIMPRENEUR : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kajian Keislaman