Implementasi Islamic Values Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perkembangan Psikologis Anak Di Raudatul Athfal Nurul Wathan Banyumulek
Islamic values, early childhood, and psychological development.Abstract
The implementation of Islamic Values in an educational institution is very important for the progress and inclusion of Islamic values in education. In this case, many children lack self-confidence, are difficult to manage, rarely pray, are impatient, and like to disturb their friends, which is why it is important to implement Islamic Values. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with descriptive qualitative research, data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The technique for analyzing data is descriptive qualitative with steps including data collection, data reduction, presenting data in narrative form then drawing conclusions, checking the validity of the data which is carried out by extending observations, increasing persistence, triangulation, and using reference materials. The results of the research obtained in instilling Islamic Values in children at RA Nurul Wathan Banyumulek are that children become confident, pray diligently, are devoted to their parents, children become obedient and children know about prayer movements and how to perform ablution and easier to set up.
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