Studi Kasus pada SD Negeri 101770 Tembung TA. 2022/2023
Kata Kunci:
Discovery Learning, Number Symbols, Numerical CardsAbstrak
One commonly used learning model lately is the discovery learning model. In this learning model, students actively participate in the learning process known as discovery learning, allowing them to evaluate their own methods in discovering concepts. Students are also encouraged to build their knowledge by interpreting what they have learned through this model. This research was conducted to improve students' understanding of recognizing number symbols. The study was carried out at SD Negeri 101770 Tembung with first-grade students as the research subjects. The aim of this discussion is to explore how the use of the discovery learning model and number cards can help first-grade students at SD Negeri 101770 Tembung in the academic year 2022/2023 learn mathematics more effectively. Based on observations, it was identified that first-grade students at SDN 101770 Tembung were unable to recognize number symbols correctly. The cause was attributed to the inappropriate learning method being used, resulting in a lack of motivation for the children to learn. Therefore, to address this issue, action research was conducted using number cards with the discovery learning model. Observation results before the intervention showed that students' ability to recognize number symbols was only 29.41%. After implementing the research through several cycles, by the end of the second cycle, students' ability to recognize number symbols showed improvement, reaching 83.32%, with a minimum passing grade (KKM) set at 70%.
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