Tentang Jurnal Ini
El-Hikam: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan (ISSN 1978-2152) was first published by the P2M of STIT Nurul Hakim (prior to its transformation into the P3M Institut Agama Islam Nurul Hakim) on Friday, March 21, 2008. At the end of 2019, this institution transformed into LP2M. El-Hikam Journal was first published online in 2015 (E-ISSN 2541-3465). At that time, it was still under the auspices of ojs.kopertais14.or.id, managed by Kopertais Region 4 Surabaya. Since Volume 13, Number 2, December 2020, El-Hikam: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keagamaan has been publishing articles on its own portal (https://ejournal.iainh.ac.id/index.php/elhikam/) alongside several other journals under LP2M. This journal contains articles resulting from research and analytical or critical studies in the fields of education and religious studies, aiming to develop, explore, and explain knowledge to educated readers in Indonesia and around the world. Those interested can submit articles or research results to the Journal Editor & Administration of El-Hikam at LP2M Nurul Hakim Islamic Institute, Jl. TGH. Abdul Karim No. 1 Kediri Lombok Barat NTB 83362 | Telp. (0370) 6175357 Fax (0370) 6175387, email: [email protected].
Terbitan Terkini

Kami ucapakan Terimakasih kepada para Kontributor/Penulis yang telah mengirimkan artikelnya sekaligus kami meminta maaf untuk waktu penerbitan Jurnal El Hikam yang seharusnya bisa diterbitkan pada bulan (Juli) kami terbitkan pada bulan (Desember) dikarenakan proses penerbitan secara baik.